Monday, November 02, 2009 - Just Vent!

Don't be bitter over Twitter... if you have something to say that could potentially hurt you, someone else, or your wallet, wouldn’t you think it’d be better to just Muttr about it instead? That will sure save a whole lot of hassle for everyone. Everything is confidential here, and it’s no holds bar. Go ahead, I dare you, blurt out whatever is on your mind. was a concept we felt would be a great addition to the world wide web. Why? Simply put, there is always something you encounter each day that just irks you. Often times, there is no real secure way of getting those things off your chest without fear of offending someone or being criticized. When this happens you're left muttering to yourself, under your breath. aims to provide that confidential and safe place to gripe or groan about all your everyday nuisances. We stress the confidential part immensely. Feel free to speak your mind and let it out.

Hate your boss? Despise a co-worker? Can't stand when those damned popcorn shells get stuck in your teeth?, the site about absolutely nothing where everything that irks you comes to life. Groan, gripe, and complain your day away. Most importantly, Just Vent!

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